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About USOur Pastor: (Interim) Pastor, the rev. Scott Swix, joined us (along with Mt. Gilead Lutheran Church, our partner in PALM) in February 2024. Grace and peace be unto you! I have been honored to serve churches as pastor in Michigan and North Carolina since 2006, and find particular joy in teaching and preaching and growing disciples, and coming up with new and creative was to what we can do with what we have. I enjoyed a wonderful prior career of 20 years in the multimedia computer industry. I have been married for 35 years (this May) to my wonderful wife Kim. Together we have 2 adult boys as well as elderly parents, all of which are in far off places. We have lived all over the country and have been in NC for 10 years. I enjoy leathercraft, martial arts, hiking, kayaking, disc golf, reading, and more.
Our PALM Partnership St. Stephen's Lutheran Church (Gold Hill, NC) and Mt. Gilead Lutheran Church (Mt. Pleasant, NC) have joined in a partnership called PALM : Piedmont Area Lutheran Ministry. Our two congregations are creatively building a new hybrid model of joint and independent ministry. Each congregation retains its unique identity – such as separate faith campuses and buildings, worship times and spaces, community ministries, council/congregational leaders, finances, etc. As part of the partnership the two congregations also pool some resources and adopt some common practices to cooperatively share pastoral leadership, participate in joint discipleship studies, adopt a standard worship format. Together we will imagine mutually supportive community engagement ministries. By sharing some resources, reducing some duplication of effort, and joining together for stronger and better supported ministries with greater overall participation we strengthen each other and our reach into our own communities.
Read more: a-rather-unique-agreement
Announcements of Coming Events Holy Week
Schedule is here
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